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Let’s get the facts straight on public school funding

By Scott DiMauro, Ohio Education Association President

As a high school social studies teacher, I was always struck by what the then-future US President John Adams said during the criminal trial following the Boston Massacre: “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

The fact is that Ohio’s public schools serve nearly 90 percent of students in our state. And, despite recent claims that attempt to twist the truth around public school funding in Ohio, the evidence is clear: More work must be done to finally fully and fairly fund our public schools, so that every child – regardless of where they live, what they look like, or how much money their parents make – can receive the excellent education they deserve.

The fact is that Ohio’s public schools are funded from the same line item in the state budget as private school vouchers. The last state budget did provide “record funding” for that line item, as indeed, anytime there’s an increase, that would set a new record. As noted in recent news coverage, the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce doesn’t yet know how much the state’s new universal voucher program will cost this year. But, with the explosion in the number of wealthier families taking public taxpayer dollars to pay for private school tuition for students who were already attending private schools in the first place, it is clear the state’s spending on the universal voucher program will far exceed the original budget estimates.

So, the fact is, when it comes time to pass the next state budget in 2025, that leaves less money in that line item for Ohio’s public schools. Exactly how much less and how will that impact public schools? It’s unclear. But, the uncertainty around those questions is causing school districts across the state to hold onto larger reserves to weather future state funding shortfalls, and in some cases, has prevented districts from feeling comfortable spending down the soon-to-expire federal pandemic-relief money that is currently inflating some of the figures. In the end, that uncertainty is hurting our students, as money that should be used to recruit and retain public school educators, address students’ mental health needs, and make up for lost ground remains unspent.

The Fair School Funding Plan, when fully implemented with updated formula components, should remove that uncertainty. Based on years of work and input from stakeholders across the board, the Fair School Funding Plan, which the state began phasing in in the FY 2022-23 budget, is meant to accurately account for how much it costs to educate a child and how much a local community can actually afford to pay toward that. And, it provides a predictable funding model, so school districts can accurately plan ahead. If the Fair School Funding Plan is fully phased in in the next state budget, as it was always intended to be, Ohio would finally have a constitutional school funding formula for the first time since the state supreme court started telling the legislature to stop chronically underfunding our public schools and truly fix the problems back in 1997.

Our lawmakers need to fulfill Ohio’s promise to our kids and commit to fully adopting the Fair School Funding Plan. They need to ensure that public tax dollars spent on private school vouchers come with the same academic and financial accountability as the dollars we spend on our public schools. They need to focus on providing the supports and resources our students need to succeed in a 21st century economy, because in Ohio, public education matters.


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OEA, EGCCEA call for transparency, path forward for Eastern Gateway students, staff

[February 22, 2024]  The Eastern Gateway Community College Education Association (EGCCEA) and the Ohio Education Association, of which EGCCEA is a local affiliate, are profoundly disappointed in the news that the Eastern Gateway Community College (EGCC) Board of Trustees voted Wednesday to “pause” student enrollment and approve an additional 40 staff layoff. As both students and staff now scramble to understand what this “pause” actually means for them long-term, EGCCEA and OEA are urging greater transparency about the Board’s big picture plans for the college. EGCCEA and OEA are also asking state leaders to leave all options on the table as they consider how to best meet the needs of the students and college staff who are impacted by this decision.

“Eastern Gateway Community College has been an invaluable resource for our community, our students, and their families for nearly 60 years. Despite the challenges stemming from mismanagement and the changing landscape of this institution over the last several years, the 138 members of the Eastern Gateway Community College Education Association have remained steadfast in their commitment to providing all students – on campus and online – with the best education possible to prepare them for their future lives and careers,” said EGCCEA President Jim Corrin. “We want nothing more than to continue providing excellent education in this community, but we need answers from the Board about whether our positions will continue to exist after the spring semester, how long this “pause” in enrollment may last, and whether there will eventually be a college to return to here.”

“The Board’s vote to suspend EGCC operations and initiate another round of staff layoffs is truly a devastating blow to the college’s students and the faculty and staff who have dedicated their lives and careers to serving them. State leaders must rise to the challenge of this moment and provide meaningful support for the 40 EGCC staff who will need immediate job placement assistance, as well as for potentially countless others who have been left in limbo by the Board’s lack of transparency on its decisions and timelines,” OEA President Scott DiMauro added. “The Board’s vote on Wednesday started a countdown clock to the end of the spring semester. EGCC students and staff can’t afford to have leaders wait around or build layers of red tape and bureaucracy. They need a plan and a path forward today.”


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Bad for students. Bad for higher education. Bad for Ohio.

Your Voice is Critical
Urge Your State Representative to Oppose Substitute Senate Bill 83

Substitute Senate Bill 83, sponsored by Senator Jerry Cirino (R-Kirtland), is a sweeping piece of legislation that is currently under consideration in the Ohio House Higher Education Committee. Currently, the committee is debating the eleventh version of the bill. SB 83 was narrowly passed with a vote of 8 to 7 by the Ohio House Higher Education Committee at its meeting on December 6, 2023.

While the current version removed the prohibition of faculty and employees to strike, the bill still contains provisions that cause serious concerns as it pertains to labor rights, job security, and academic freedom which have to potential to negatively impact the quality of higher education in Ohio.

In its current version, SB 83 eliminates the collective bargaining rights of higher education faculty members to bargain over certain working conditions. This includes prohibiting bargaining over faculty evaluations, tenure, and retrenchment (the process for reduction of force). This bill represents the largest attack on collective bargaining rights since Senate Bill 5 in 2011.

Additionally, SB 83 contains language that micromanages higher education classrooms and threatens academic freedoms on Ohio’s public university and college campuses. OEA believes that these policies are best developed locally by faculty and administration determining the systems that work best for their campuses, and not top-down state mandates.

We must stop Substitute Senate Bill 83! Email your Ohio House member and urge them to oppose this bill.

We must stop Substitute Senate Bill 83! Email your Ohio House member and urge them to oppose this bill.



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OEA & NEA recommend Sen. Brown for re-election to US Senate

[October 23, 2023]  With nearly 120,000 members serving in all 88 Ohio counties, the state’s largest labor union is proud to recommend Sen. Sherrod Brown for re-election to the US Senate. Sen. Brown has demonstrated his unwavering commitment to supporting public school students and educators, and Ohio Education Association (OEA) members know that he will continue to be a true friend of public education in his next term.

“Sen. Brown is a champion for public education and workers’ rights, and we are lucky to have him fighting for what our public schools and public school employees need every day,” said OEA President Scott DiMauro. “The OEA members who serve on the OEA Fund State Council emphatically recommend Sen. Brown for re-election, and we are pleased to give him our full support.”

Among his many priorities during his time in Washington, Sen. Brown has:

  • Fought to make sure Ohio educators can retire with dignity by passing the Social Security Fairness Act which would ensure teachers, first responders, and other public sector workers and their families receive the full Social Security benefits they’ve earned.
  • Secured millions to expand high-speed internet access for students and families across Ohio.
  • Introduced the Educators Expense Deduction Modernization Act to quadruple the amount educators can deduct from their taxes for out-of-pocket classroom expenses.
  • Led the fight to help educators become homeowners so education can remain a sustainable career path that can attract the best talent to serve our state’s students.
  • Introduced the Full-Service Community School Expansion Act to help students succeed by helping schools and districts implement wraparound supports – including medical, mental, and nutrition health services, mentoring and youth development programs, technical assistance and continuing education courses.
  • Spearheaded the passage of the SMART Act to reduce excessive testing that robs students and teachers of valuable instruction time.
  • Secured nearly $300,000 to support training programs that prepare Ohio educators to teach life skills.
  • Worked to level the playing field between workers and corporations to protect the right to organize and expand overtime pay for workers.
  • Taken on Ohio’s private for-profit schools that take funds away from public schools and fought for charter school accountability.

“Ohio educators support our kids in and out of the classroom – we need to make sure their hard work pays off and they have the resources they need to create the best outcomes for students,” Sen. Brown said. “I’m honored to have OEA’s endorsement in my reelection and I look forward to working with them to make sure every Ohio student gets a high-quality education by protecting our educators’ right to unionize, lowering their out-of-pocket costs, and ensuring every educator can retire with dignity.”


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OEA celebrates Public Education Matters Day with educators across the state

Ohio House Democratic Caucus PEM resolution
The resolution recognizing September 30, 2023, as Public Education Matters Day
[October 2, 2023]  Thousands of public school teachers, education support professionals, higher ed faculty members, and retired educators came together across Ohio Saturday to demonstrate the strength of their solidarity and support for Ohio’s public schools. The Ohio Education Association (OEA) hosted these gatherings, as part of the inaugural Public Education Matters Day celebrations, at the Columbus Zoo, Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, Toledo Zoo, and the Newport Aquarium in the Cincinnati area.

“Ohio’s public school educators have dedicated their lives and their careers to delivering the excellent public education that every child deserves – no exceptions. The Ohio Education Association was thrilled to be able to celebrate the passion and professionalism of our members at these regional rallies while strengthening our collective resolve to tackle the real issues facing our schools,” Ohio Education Association President Scott DiMauro said. “We must continue to use our united voice to demand the supports and resources our students, educators, and public school communities need to thrive, and we must ensure our educators are treated with the respect and dignity they’ve earned so education can be a sustainable profession that continues to attract high-quality professionals to serve our students.”

OEA launched the Public Education Matters initiative in spring 2023 as a galvanizing internal and public-facing campaign in its ongoing advocacy work to continuously improve Ohio’s public schools. “Together as one, Ohio’s educators, parents, and community leaders can achieve our vision for the excellent public schools Ohio’s students deserve,” DiMauro said. “Our strength is in our unity, and we will continue to speak in one strong, united voice because in Ohio, public education matters.”

In honor of the importance of public education in Ohio, the Ohio House issued a special commendation to OEA in recognition of its unfaltering commitment to continuously improving public education in our state. Additionally, the Ohio House Democratic Caucus approved a resolution recognizing September 30, 2023, as Public Education Matters Day in Ohio.

Images of OEA’s Public Education Matters Day rallies and member celebration events at the Columbus Zoo, Cleveland Zoo, Toledo Zoo, and Newport Aquarium are available on the Ohio Education Association Facebook page. A video with more information about the aims of the Public Education Matters initiative is available here.



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OEA stands with the United Auto Workers

[September 26, 2023] The United Auto Workers strike is a call for justice, equality, and fair treatment to the dedicated, hardworking men and women in the automotive industry. The strike, which began on September 15, continues to grow with the addition of 5,600 workers on Friday to the 12,700 previous workers who are advocating for fundamental rights that every worker deserves. OEA and its Board of Directors support UAW’s fight for their rights, fair wages, and safe working conditions.

“The Ohio Education Association Board of Directors recognizes the critical role that the UAW plays, along with the commitment of its’ members who have shaped the auto industry and set standards for worker’s rights across the state. We express deep support and solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the United Auto Workers as they work for fair contracts with the American car manufacturers,” OEA President Scott DiMauro stated.

The Ohio Education Association passionately believes that a fair and equitable workplace is the foundation for a thriving economy and better communities. We encourage everyone to show their support for the United Auto Workers and join the fight to make things right at the Big Three.

Finally, the OEA Board of Directors urges the automotive industry stakeholders to engage in productive and fair negotiations that lead to a mutually beneficial resolution. “It is our hope that an agreement can be reached soon, and UAW members can return to their jobs with fair treatment and improved working conditions,” states Mr. DiMauro


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OEA celebrates Student Opportunity Profile metrics in state report cards

[September 14, 2023] While stakeholders around the state continue to sift through the data in the 2022-2023 state report cards released Thursday, the Ohio Education Association is applauding the inclusion of Student Opportunity Profile information for each district for the first time.

“We know our students are much more than just their scores on high-stakes standardized tests, and the quality of teaching and learning in our classrooms is much more than what an overall star-rating can reflect. The new Student Opportunity Profile information in the state report cards goes a very long way toward providing a fuller, more useful picture of what is actually happening in Ohio’s public schools,” said Ohio Education Association President Scott DiMauro. “Especially as our schools and students continue to make up for pandemic-related disrupted learning, the Student Opportunity Profile reports can also be important tools to direct specific supports and resources to specific schools that need them, so every child can receive the excellent public education they deserve – no exceptions.”

The Student Opportunity Profile reports include metrics like the student-to-teacher, student-to-counselor, and student-to-librarian ratios; percentage of early career educators and principals in the workforce; percentage of students participating in advanced placement or honors courses; the percentage of students enrolled in career technical education courses; and much more. OEA members voted unanimously at the OEA Representative Assembly in December 2019, to call on the General Assembly to overhaul the state report card system and include a Student Opportunity Profile in the new version. OEA’s advocacy helped lead to the adoption of the state report card changes, beginning with last year’s release. The Student Opportunity Profile section was included for the first time this year as part of the phase-in process.

“This is the information that’s most helpful to parents and caregivers who are trying to determine whether a school is a good fit for their child. Class sizes and the availability of learning opportunities to meet their child’s individual needs carries far more weight in parents’ decisions than a dissection of standardized test scores,” DiMauro said. “It is unfortunate, though, that parents still can’t make apples-to-apples comparisons with these report cards, because private schools taking public tax dollars through the state’s near-universal voucher expansion scheme still aren’t held to the same academic or financial transparency standards as public schools. It’s time for Ohio’s lawmakers to fix that.”


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OEA congratulates 2024 Ohio Teacher of the Year Mark Lowrie

[September 7, 2023] The Ohio Education Association (OEA) extends its warm congratulations to Gahanna-Jefferson Education Association member Mark Lowrie, who was named 2024 Ohio Teacher of the Year Thursday.

“Mr. Lowrie demonstrates clearly why public education matters so much in Ohio,” said OEA President Scott DiMauro, who attended Thursday’s event at Gahanna Lincoln High School to surprise Lowrie with the news of his award. “Great public schools open a world of opportunities for students from all walks of life, and exceptional educators like Mr. Lowrie make that possible.”

“His dedication to building outstanding broadcast journalism programs for his students – in both his current role at Gahanna Lincoln High School and previously at Marion L. Steele High School in Amherst – exemplifies the incredible work Ohio’s public educators do every day to help their students learn valuable life skills so they can follow their dreams,” DiMauro added. “Mr. Lowrie’s students over the past two decades are so lucky that he followed his own dream and found his calling in the classroom.”

Lowrie worked for 12 years in the broadcast television industry before returning to school to earn his master’s degree in education to become a teacher. He then spent 18 years in Amherst schools before coming to Gahanna Lincoln High School four years ago. The live newscasts he produces with his broadcast journalism students have earned many prestigious honors, including three National Student Production Awards, better known as the ‘Student Emmys’, in 2022 alone.

“The award-winning broadcast journalism programs that Mr. Lowrie has built over the years are a testament to his expertise in the field – not only from his valuable experience in his first career, but even more importantly from his commitment to embracing opportunities for professional growth and innovation in his career as an educator. Mr. Lowrie’s passion for education and for serving his students should be applauded,” DiMauro said. “Being named 2024 Ohio Teacher of the Year is a very well-deserved recognition for Mark Lowrie.”


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OEA, Summit County reveal new historical marker

[August 11, 2023] The state’s newest Ohio Historical Marker is now on full display for the public outside the Summit County Courthouse, commemorating the 1847 meeting there of a group of educators who founded the organization that would go on to become the Ohio Education Association (OEA), the state’s largest union of public school teachers and education professionals today. OEA leaders joined with the Summit County Executive Thursday afternoon to unveil the historical marker, which is one of about 1,750 placed around the state by the Ohio History Connection to tell the unique stories of Ohio’s communities.

“The Ohio Education Association is so proud of its 175 year history as the voice for Ohio’s public school educators and students, and OEA is grateful for this partnership with Summit County that allows us to share our history with the community as we continue to fight for the excellent public schools every child deserves now and into the future,” said OEA President Scott DiMauro, who took part in Thursday’s unveiling ceremony alongside former OEA presidents Becky Higgins and Patricia Frost-Brooks, as well as educators from around the region.

“The legacy of public education in Ohio lives in accomplishments of our students, who become inventors, actors, scientists, athletes, engineers, public servants, firefighters, astronauts, and, of course, teachers,” said Summit County Executive Chief of Staff Brian Nelsen, “Congratulations to OEA on celebrating 175 years serving our teachers and students and we are proud to recognize the start of your story right here in the heart of Summit County.”

The full text of the new Ohio Historical Marker erected in Summit County is as follows:

“On December 30, 1847, six educators met at the Summit County Courthouse to organize the first convention of the Ohio State Teachers’ Association, now known as the Ohio Education Association (OEA). The organizers Josiah Hurty (Richland County), Thomas W. Harvey (Geauga County), M.D. Leggett (Summit County), Lorin Andrews (Ashland County), William Bowen (Stark County), and Marcellus F. Cowdery (Lake County) hoped to “elevate the profession of teaching” and “to promote the interests of schools in Ohio.” In 1853, the General Assembly enacted the new association’s entire slate of proposals into law, thus ensuring free, universal, public education in Ohio. For 175 years, the Ohio Education Association has advocated for fair terms and conditions of employment for Ohio educators and for the betterment and improvement of public education for all students.”

Photos of the new historical marker and the ceremony unveiling it outside the Summit County Courthouse are available on the Ohio Education Association’s Facebook page.


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