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Take Action to Stop Teacher License Fee Increase

Take Action to Stop Teacher License Fee Increase

The Ohio Education Association is calling on state lawmakers to fully fund the State Board of Education instead of passing costs onto the backs of hardworking teachers. Five-year license fees may increase up to 75%, from $200 to $350, because the Ohio General Assembly has not fully funded the State Board of Education. It is time for state lawmakers to protect teachers from unfair license fees by fully funding the work of the State Board of Education, which is to administer educator licenses. Teachers deserve support and respect, not license fee increases.

TAKE ACTION by contacting your state representative and state senator. Ask your legislators to fully fund the State Board of Education instead of passing costs onto the backs of hardworking teachers.

Fully funding the State Board means that the Board can support the Resident Educator program, ensure the safety and well-being of students by conducting comprehensive, necessary background checks in a timely manner, help address educator recruitment and retention, and ensure timely completion of misconduct investigations so educator rights are protected without increasing licensure fees on teachers.

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Ask Your State Senator to Support HCR 6: Urging Congress to Repeal GPO and WEP

Federal legislation is needed to repeal the unfair Social Security offsets that reduce the earned benefits of public employees in states like Ohio. The Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) are provisions of federal law that reduce the earned Social Security, spousal, and survivor benefits of those who also collect a public pension from states that do not pay into Social Security. Because Ohio is a non-Social Security state, many teachers, education support professionals and other public servants are adversely impacted by GPO and WEP.

The Social Security Fairness Act (HR 82 and S. 597) is pending before Congress and would repeal GPO and WEP, helping right this decades-long injustice. One way to help keep the pressure on Congress to act is for our state legislators to urge them to do so. House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 6 is a resolution that urges Congress to repeal GPO and WEP. The resolution has already passed the Ohio House by a unanimous vote and is now pending in the Ohio Senate.

Write to your State Senator today and urge them to support this resolution. By doing so they will be standing up for Ohio’s public servants and help to improve their economic security in retirement.

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Ohio Schools February/ March 2024
Click on the cover to read the digital issue
  • Make 2024 a year of growth and strength (page 4)
  • Springfield Local Schools staff join to advance awareness of diversity, equity, inclusion (page 5)
  • Comic: A look at Teachers as the film marks its 40th anniversary (page 8)
  • OEA, OAESP leaders continue commitment to ESP visibility, rights, and respect with launch of ESP web page (page 14)
  • Meeting the needs of Ohio’s English Learners
    • OEA members are advocating for the resources and supports their students need to succeed in the classroom and beyond (page 17)
  • Support system
    • OEA and its members are committed to advocacy that ensures mental health and wellness support for Ohio students and educators. (page 23)
  • 2023 OEA Fall Representative Assembly delegates stand together to protect, promote, and strengthen public education (page 30)


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December-January 2024 Ohio Schools

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  • COVER STORY: Making an Impact – Commitment and compassion are key to 2024 Ohio Teacher of the Year Mark Lowrie’s award-winning broadcast journalism program at Gahanna Lincoln High School.
    • Digital Ohio Schools magazine to highlight educators’ voices
    • Youngstown Education Association achieves union goals in new contract following strike
    • Historic UAW strike a testament to the power of unions, collective bargaining, and organizing
    • OEA celebrates Public Education Matters Day with educators at four rallies across the state
    • Ashland and Kent State Aspiring Educators chapters offer members a successful start in the education profession
    • 2023 Ohio Teacher of the Year Melissa Kmetz to receive NEA Foundation Award for Teaching Excellence
    • OEA-Retired members build community, grow in understanding of racial and social justice

    • Why is it important for educators to support the Social Security Fairness Act to repeal GPO/WEP

    Moved recently? Contact the OEA Member Hotline to update the address on file at 1-844-OEA-Info (1-844-632-4636) or email, membership@ohea.org. Representatives are available Monday-Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. | OhioSchoolsPast Issues

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October – November 2023 Ohio-Schools

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  • COVER STORY: Moving Forward – Marietta Educators emphasize value of public education through collaborative action and community building.
    • Youngstown Education Association (YEA) strikes for contractual rights to give educators a voice in students’ learning conditions
    • At the 2023 NEA RA, delegates pledge to defend freedom to learn, protect all students
    • Unity, community support lead Southeastern Education Local District Teachers Association to reach tentative agreement
    • Ohio Education Association, Summit County Executive unveil historical marker celebrating OEA’s local roots and legacy of public education advocacy
    • Thousands of free books distributed to central Ohio students at OEA’s inaugural Summer Celebration of Diverse Readers event
    • For OEA-Retired member, National Endowment for Humanities seminar on origins of civil rights movement offers a life-changing experience
    • Wellington Schools embrace Kindland

    • Leading Change – OEA members lead efforts to increase visibility, rights, and respect for Education Support Professionals

    Moved recently? Contact the OEA Member Hotline to update the address on file at 1-844-OEA-Info (1-844-632-4636) or email, membership@ohea.org. Representatives are available Monday-Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. | OhioSchoolsPast Issues

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June – July 2023 Ohio Schools

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  • COVER STORY: Celebrating Schools: 25th Annual Create a Cover contest highlights award-winning artwork by Ohio students.
  • FEATURE: East Palestine members serve as constant caring support for students following Norfolk Southern train derailment.
    • SJR2 heads to the August 8, 2023 special election as Issue 1
    • Bill to restrict the voice of higher education employees passes in the Ohio Senate
    • Delegates to the 2023 OEA Spring Representative Assembly take action to protect, defend, and strengthen public education in Ohio
    • OEA Board of Director actions
    • In memorium

Moved recently? Contact the OEA Member Hotline to update the address on file at 1-844-OEA-Info (1-844-632-4636) or email, membership@ohea.org. Representatives are available Monday-Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. | OhioSchoolsPast Issues

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April – May 2023 Ohio Schools

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  • COVER STORY: Change Begins with Us – Educators in Hilliard are working to create a more equitable, inclusive school community to make sure educators and students feel safe, secure, and supported.
  • FEATURE: Standing up for Ohio’s public schools – As the number of students pursuing education declines, and districts throughout the state find it increasingly difficult to fill positions, a new generation offers hope for the profession, joining their parents as Ohio educators.
    • Better Together: OEA-Aspiring Educators and Ohio’s New Educators (ONE) gather for first joint conference
    • The ABC’s of Larry Carey

    • OEA lays out bold vision for 135th General Assembly
    • OEA urges Ohio legislators to prioritize public education in House Bill 33
    • Legislature considering harmful voucher expansion program
    • Senate passes bill charging powers and duties of State Board of Education

    Moved recently? Contact the OEA Member Hotline to update the address on file at 1-844-OEA-Info (1-844-632-4636) or email, membership@ohea.org. Representatives are available Monday-Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. | OhioSchoolsPast Issues

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February – March 2023 Ohio Schools

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  • COVER STORY: Finding a voice – Union involvement empowers Ohio’s Education Support Professionals.
  • FEATURE: Family Ties part II – As the number of students pursuing education declines, and districts throughout the state find it increasingly difficult to fill positions, a new generation offers hope for the profession, joining their parents as Ohio educators.
    • Aspiring Educators like Dajsha Williams are promoting the education profession and taking action
    • OEA-Retired launches initiatives to boost student literacy and association membership

    • What drives STRS Board member Arthur Lard? Ensuring all OEA members have “a safe, reliable pension they can’t outlive.”

    Moved recently? Contact the OEA Member Hotline to update the address on file at 1-844-OEA-Info (1-844-632-4636) or email, membership@ohea.org. Representatives are available Monday-Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. | OhioSchoolsPast Issues

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OEA reflects on final days of Lame Duck

[December 15, 2022] The Ohio Education Association (OEA) is pleased that the power of educators’ voices has impacted policy changes in the waning days of the 134th General Assembly. Not only were Ohio’s educators successful in persuading lawmakers not to consider House Joint Resolution 6, which would weaken the voice of Ohio voters by making it much more challenging to pass citizen-led constitutional amendments, but they were also able to help our elected leaders understand the importance of having more time and input from stakeholders in discussions about changing the powers of the State Board of Education before decisions are made.

Senate Bill 178 would have moved most of the oversight of education in Ohio away from the State Board of Education and into a newly created cabinet-level department under the Governor. Late Wednesday night, the Senate amended SB 178 into House Bill 151, which was originally intended to improve the state’s resident educator program and summative assessment. Harmful and unnecessary language to ban transgender girls from playing high school sports was also added to that bill by the House earlier this year. Early Thursday morning, in the final hours of the session, Ohio House members voted against concurring with the Senate’s Lame Duck changes. A new version of SB 178 will likely be reintroduced in the new year.

“OEA believes it is worth taking a hard look at how Ohio’s schools are governed and supported at the state level. However, collaboration is key,” OEA President Scott DiMauro said. “Stakeholders need to be at the table. The voices of Ohio’s educators need to be heard, valued and central to any change. That is how we will get the best results for Ohio’s students.”

OEA appreciates the work of legislators in the 134th General Assembly who adopted educator’s recommendations on Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid (DPIA), the funding component that supports economically disadvantaged students, resulting in an increase of approximately $56 million in additional state funding in FY ‘23. Additionally, lawmakers increased allocations of the federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds for our public schools and provided an additional $112 million in federal funds for school building security and safety grants.

OEA remains hopeful that the next General Assembly will once again take up the cause of ending mandatory retention under the Third Grade Reading Guarantee, after the Senate failed to act on the House-passed House Bill 497 this session.

OEA also looks forward to collaborating with Ohio’s elected leaders to ensure the Fair School Funding Plan is fully implemented in the new state budget. That plan, which represents the first constitutional school funding system in the state in decades, was adopted in the last budget but only funded through the end of this biennium.

“Certainly, there is more work to be done, especially around issues like addressing growing educator shortages and supporting student and educator mental health and wellness,” DiMauro said, “but OEA is proud of what our members have been able to accomplish through their diligent advocacy work this session. We all look forward to working collaboratively with members of the 135th General Assembly to ensure their important public education priorities are front and center as new legislation is introduced.”


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December – January 2023 Ohio Schools

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  • COVER STORY: Power to Change the World: 2023 Ohio Teacher of the Year Melissa Kmetz says the most important lesson she can teach students is to know their power
    • Family Ties: As the number of students pursuing education declines, and district throughout the state find it increasingly difficult to fill positions, a new generation offers hope for the profession, joining their parents as Ohio educators
    • President’s Message
    • Extra Credit
    • Political Action

    Moved recently? Contact the OEA Member Hotline to update the address on file at 1-844-OEA-Info (1-844-632-4636) or email, membership@ohea.org. Representatives are available Monday-Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. | OhioSchoolsPast Issues

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