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Take Action to Stop Teacher License Fee Increase

Take Action to Stop Teacher License Fee Increase

The Ohio Education Association is calling on state lawmakers to fully fund the State Board of Education instead of passing costs onto the backs of hardworking teachers. Five-year license fees may increase up to 75%, from $200 to $350, because the Ohio General Assembly has not fully funded the State Board of Education. It is time for state lawmakers to protect teachers from unfair license fees by fully funding the work of the State Board of Education, which is to administer educator licenses. Teachers deserve support and respect, not license fee increases.

TAKE ACTION by contacting your state representative and state senator. Ask your legislators to fully fund the State Board of Education instead of passing costs onto the backs of hardworking teachers.

Fully funding the State Board means that the Board can support the Resident Educator program, ensure the safety and well-being of students by conducting comprehensive, necessary background checks in a timely manner, help address educator recruitment and retention, and ensure timely completion of misconduct investigations so educator rights are protected without increasing licensure fees on teachers.

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Ask Your State Senator to Support HCR 6: Urging Congress to Repeal GPO and WEP

Federal legislation is needed to repeal the unfair Social Security offsets that reduce the earned benefits of public employees in states like Ohio. The Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) are provisions of federal law that reduce the earned Social Security, spousal, and survivor benefits of those who also collect a public pension from states that do not pay into Social Security. Because Ohio is a non-Social Security state, many teachers, education support professionals and other public servants are adversely impacted by GPO and WEP.

The Social Security Fairness Act (HR 82 and S. 597) is pending before Congress and would repeal GPO and WEP, helping right this decades-long injustice. One way to help keep the pressure on Congress to act is for our state legislators to urge them to do so. House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 6 is a resolution that urges Congress to repeal GPO and WEP. The resolution has already passed the Ohio House by a unanimous vote and is now pending in the Ohio Senate.

Write to your State Senator today and urge them to support this resolution. By doing so they will be standing up for Ohio’s public servants and help to improve their economic security in retirement.

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Legislative Watch

OEA Legislative Watch
Click here for more details about these three legislative initiatives!

Legislature Votes to Extend Alternative Graduation Pathways

The Ohio House and Senate have approved a bill (HB 491) to extend the alternative graduation pathways to the classes of 2019 and 2020. The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 29-0 and the House concurred by a vote of 78-1. OEA strongly supports the extension of the alternative pathways and applauds this action.

Under current law, in addition to successfully completing required coursework, students are required to meet one of three graduation “pathways” each of which is dependent on the results of high-stakes testing.

Senate Passes Bill to Restore OPERS Credit for DD Employees

On Thursday, December 6, 2018, the Senate unanimously passed House Bill 572 by a vote of 29-0. The bill addresses the issue of service credit for non-teaching employees of County Boards of Developmental Disabilities. OEA strongly supports this bill as this legislation. The bill would require OPERS to grant a full year of service credit to employees who meet certain conditions.

HJR 19 Stalls in House Committee

House Joint Resolution 19 is a proposed Constitutional amendment that would make it more difficult to pass amendments to the Ohio Constitution through the initiative process. The proposal was met with sharp criticism as an attack on direct democracy. It does not appear that the legislature will move this proposal in the lame duck session. However, this is likely to be an ongoing issue next session.

Click here for more details about these three legislative initiatives!



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OEA Legislative Scorecard

The Ohio Statehouse

When it comes to public education, OEA members are the experts, and they have a right and a need to be heard. That’s what OEA’s political and lobbying programs are all about, but those programs are much stronger when you get involved.

OEA Government Relations has developed and will maintain a legislative scorecard for each member of the Ohio General Assembly. Political action is one of the most important ways members can affect the future for students and school employees. OEA’s political efforts have always been driven by members, for members and students, and for the improvement of public education.

The legislative scorecard tracks floor votes on bills that OEA has taken a position (support/oppose) as well as notified OEA voting members of the same. Additionally, co-sponsors of bills that OEA has intense interest (either in favor or against) are also tracked.

To use the scorecard, select the “Legislative Scorecard” in the dropdown under the “Get Involved” menu or click HERE.

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Updated June 4, 2018


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